

Expectations-Driven Fluctuations When Factor Utilization Is VariableJournal articlePatrick A. Pintus, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Volume 8, Issue 01, pp. 3-26, 2004

The present paper studies the influence of variable labor utilization on local indeterminacy and expectations-driven fluctuations, in one-sector models with (nearly) constant returns to scale. It is shown that, in comparison to the configuration of constant input utilization, considering variable utilization reduces the actual possibilities of factor substitution and, consequently, the range of input substitution elasticities that are compatible with endogenous fluctuations. In particular, local indeterminacy and expectations-driven fluctuations occur only if utilization rates are sufficiently inelastic, whereas local determinacy prevails when utilization is highly elastic. However, accounting for the fact that variable utilization reduces the effective elasticity of capital labor substitution leads us to argue that expectations-driven fluctuations are more plausible because they require larger elasticities of apparent input substitution. In contrast with the recent literature, the analysis does not rely on significantly increasing returns to scale in production. Accordingly, the results are not at variance with recent empirical studies emphasizing the importance of variable utilization and denying the evidence of large increasing returns.

Robustness of Multiple Equilibria in OLG EconomiesJournal articleGuido Cazzavillan et Patrick A. Pintus, Review of Economic Dynamics, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 456-475, 2004

This paper extends the standard Diamond's two-period OLG model of capital accumulation by introducing labor-leisure choice into the first-period of agents' life. Under the assumption of gross substitutability, we show that multiple intertemporal equilibria require both highly complementary inputs and a low fraction of consumption out of wage income by the young generation. On the contrary, if capital and labor are sufficiently substitutable, or if young agents consume a realistically large proportion of their wage income, multiple intertemporal equilibria and, therefore, endogenous fluctuations driven by self-fulfilling beliefs, are ruled out. We further illustrate, in contrast with the related literature, that intertemporal substitution in consumption across periods is a critical mechanism which enables short-lived agents to arbitrage away expectationally driven fluctuations when the ratio between saving and wage is reasonably low. As a result, the OLG model's predictions are substantially similar to the usual optimal growth model. (Copyright: Elsevier)

Endogenous labor supply, gross substitutability, and robustness of multiple equilibria in OLG economiesBook chapterGuido Cazzavillan et Patrick A. Pintus, In: Proceedings of the 2002 North American Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society: Macroeconomic Theory, D. K. Levine, W. Zame, R. Farmer et P. Kehoe (Eds.), 2002, 2002


On the transition from local regular to global irregular fluctuationsJournal articlePatrick A. Pintus, Duncan Sands et Robin de Vilder, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 24, Issue 2, pp. 247-272, 2000

This paper analyses the basic features of technical and distributional changes in the US since the Civil War as the expression of the gradual emergence of a new paradigm, corresponding to a Managerial Revolution, and its replacement of the earlier organization inherited from the Industrial Revolution.

Multiple Steady States and Endogenous Fluctuations with Increasing Returns to Scale in ProductionJournal articleGuido Cazzavillan, Teresa Lloyd-Braga et Patrick A. Pintus, Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 80, Issue 1, pp. 60-107, 1998

No abstract is available for this item.

Capital-Labor Substitution and Competitive Nonlinear Endogenous Business CyclesJournal articleJean-Michel Grandmont, Patrick A. Pintus et Robin de Vilder, Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 80, Issue 1, pp. 14-59, 1998

We develop in this paper simple geometrical methods to study local indeterminacy, bifurcations and stochastic (sunspot) equilibria near a steady state, in nonlinear two dimensional economic models. We present stochastic sunspot equilibria, which allows a constructive description of local bifurcations. The latter analysis is relevant when some eigenvalues of the linearized dynamics, near the steady state, have a modulus close to one (“unit root(s)”), as taking into account small nonlinearities generates linear local approximation. These methods are applied to a simple aggregative model (Woodford (JET, 1986)), to study in particular the influence of capital-labor substitution and of the aggregate labor supply wage elasticiy, on the occurrence of competitive endogenous deterministic or stochastic fluctuations.