

Présentation généraleJournal articleSanvi Avouyi-Dovi, Michel Boutillier et Eric Girardin, Économie & Prévision, Volume 140, Issue 4, pp. 1-5, 1999

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Composantes permanente et transitoire de l'épargne et de l'investissement : une étude empirique des flux internationaux de capitaux au JaponJournal articleEric Girardin, Lucio Sarno et Mark P. Taylor, Économie & Prévision, Volume 140, Issue 4, pp. 117-131, 1999

[eng] Transitory and permanent components of saving and investment: an empirical study of international capital flows in Japan by Eric Girardin, Lucio Sarno and Mark P. Taylor This paper presents an empirical study of the difference between the short- and the long-run saving-investment correlation coefficient using quarterly Japanese data, in an attempt to shed light both on the Feldstein-Horioka regression's validity in quantifying the degree of international capital mobility and on its implications. We also empirically assess the effectiveness of the abolition of exchange controls, which removed all restrictions on capital flows between Japan and the international economy in 1980. Consistent with our economic intuition and the logical consequences of the Feldstein-Horioka interpretation, our results suggest that the short-run saving-investment association is significantly stronger than the corresponding long-run association and, in contrast with much of the relevant empirical literature, Japan appears to have been highly financially integrated into the global economy since 1980. pital flows ; transitory and permanent components ; Kalman filter. [fre] Composantes permanente et transitoire de l'épargne et de l'investissement : une étude empirique des flux internationaux de capitaux au Japon par Eric Girardin, Lucio Sarno et Mark P. Taylor .. Cet article présente une étude empirique de la différence entre les coefficients de corrélation de court et de long terme entre l'épargne et l'investissement en utilisant des données trimestrielles japonaises, afin d'apporter un éclairage à la fois sur la validité de la régression de Feldstein-Horioka pour mesurer le degré de mobilité internationale du capital et sur ses conséquences. Nous évaluons également empiriquement l'efficacité de l'abolition des contrôles des changes qui en 1980 a supprimé toute restriction sur les mouvements de capitaux entre le Japon et l'économie internationale. En conformité avec nos a priori d'écono

An Empirical Study of Urban Credit Cooperatives in ChinaJournal articleEric Girardin et Stephen Bazen, International Review of Applied Economics, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp. 141-155, 1998

The overall objective of this study is to try and uncover to what extent the borrowing and lending pattern of Chinese urban credit cooperatives (UCCs) leads them to conform to the theoretical view of credit cooperatives and to what degree they are mainly characterized by elements which result from their regulatory environment and the status of China as an economy in transition. We provide evidence from a specially-commissioned survey on the characteristics and functioning of UCCs. Our statistical and econometric analysis points to the tentative conclusion that there are major regional differences in the performance of UCCs both in terms of the quality of loans granted and overall profitability. The latter is also influenced by the quality of the loans made, and this in turn is affected by the number of directors in the UCC and the extent to which the UCC grants loans to state-owned enterprises.

Estimating the credibility of an exchange rate target zoneJournal articleEric Girardin et Vêlayoudom Marimoutou, Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 16, Issue 6, pp. 931-944, 1997

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Papers in honor of Patrick C. McMahonJournal articleRichard T. Baillie, Eric Girardin, James R. Lothian et James W. McFarland, Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 16, Issue 6, pp. 879-883, 1997

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Les fondamentaux permettent-ils d'améliorer la prévision du taux de change franc-dollar ?Journal articleEric Girardin et Vêlayoudom Marimoutou, Revue Économique, Volume 48, Issue 3, pp. 661-672, 1997

[fre] Les fondamentaux permettent-ils d'améliorer la prévision du taux de change franc-dollar ? Nous étudions dans quelle mesure on peut mettre en évidence une relation de long terme entre le taux de change quotidien franc-dollar au comptant et certains fondamentaux tels que les taux d'intérêt français et américain au jour le jour et le taux de change dollar-mark. Des tests de coïntégration dans un VAR permettent de conclure à l'existence d'une telle relation entre le milieu des années quatre-vingt et le milieu de la décennie quatre-vingt-dix. Le modèle à correction d'erreurs associé permet de prévoir le taux de change franc-dollar mieux qu'une marche aléatoire à des horizons d'une et deux semaines. [eng] Can the use of fundamentals improve our forecasts of the franc-dollar exchange rate ? We study to what extent a long run relationship can be isolated between the daily spot franc-dollar exchange rate and some fundamentals such as French and US overnight interest rates and the dollar-mark exchange rate. Cointegration tests in a VAR provide evidence for such a relationship between the mid eighties and the mid nineties. The associated error correction model enables us to outperform the random walk in out of sample forecasting over one week and two week horizons.

Présentation généraleJournal articleSanvi Avouyi-Dovi, Michel Boutillier et Eric Girardin, Économie & Prévision, Volume 123, Issue 2, pp. 1-7, 1996

No abstract is available for this item.

Is There a Long Run Demand for Currency in China?Journal articleEric Girardin, Economic Change and Restructuring, Volume 29, Issue 3, pp. 169-184, 1996

The record of Chinese monetary authorities at targeting MO in the late eighties early nineties is rather poor. This paper thus first aims at determining whether the instability of currency demand is responsible for this. By so doing we show, using adequate econometric techniques, that a long-run demand for currency did exist over the 1988-1993 period, with quarterly data. Most previous studies concluded that the income elasticity of currency demand in China is very high. The second objective of the paper is to test for the robustness of this result. We show that this income elasticity is unity when proper account is taken of institutional variables representative of the transition process. Copyright 1996 by Kluwer Academic Publishers

Le nouveau SME est-il plus asymétrique que l'ancien ?Journal articleChristian Bordes, Eric Girardin et Vêlayoudom Marimoutou, Économie & Prévision, Volume 123, Issue 2, pp. 175-188, 1996

[eng] Is the New EMS More Asymmetric than the Old? by Christian Bordes, Éric Girardin and Velayoudom M arimoutou The purpose of this paper is to make a new study of the asymmetric relations between the interest rates of the EMS member and the German interest rates. The approach is twofold. First, we select a formulation in terms of the response function of monetary authorities. In addition to the American rates, which explain the external influences on the EMS, the VAR model also includes the rates of inflation for an EMS member country and Germany. Secondly, we extend the estimation period to expansion of the margins and carry out stability tests to show that 1987 was a major break point. This break can be associated the relaxation of capital controls. Over these two sub-periods, the EMS appears as an asymmetric system due to the fact that influence of the German rate innovations on the forecasting errors for the other European rates is three times greater overall the influence in the reverse direction. The new EMS generally looks at least as asymmetric as the old and probably more so in French case. [fre] Le nouveau SME est-il plus asymétrique que l'ancien ? par Christian Bordes, Éric Girardin et Velayoudom Marimoutou Le présent article s'efforce de renouveler l'examen des relations d'asymétrie entre les taux d'intérêt des pays membres du SME et les taux d'intérêt allemand, de deux manières. D'abord, en retenant une formulation en termes de fonction de réaction des autorités monétaires. Outre les taux américains qui rendent compte des influences externes sur le SME, le modèle Var retenu inclut ainsi les taux d'inflation d'un pays membre du SME et de l'Allemagne. En second lieu, on étend la période d'estimation jusqu'à l'élargissement des marges et l'on procède à des tests de stabilité qui mettent en évidence l'année 1987 comme rupture majeur, que l'on peut associer à l'assouplissement des contrôles sur les mouvements de capitaux. Sur ces deux sous-périodes, le SME

Les effets des variations de taux d'intérêt dans le nouvel environnement financier françaisJournal articleChristian Bordes, Eric Girardin et Vêlayoudom Marimoutou, Revue Économique, Volume 46, Issue 3, pp. 635-644, 1995

[eng] The effects of interest rate changes in the new french financial environment We study to what extent the effects of changes in short and long term interest rates on the components of aggregate demand were modified in France by financial deregulation in the mid-eighties. The use of a Bayesian VAR model enables to remedy to the short len-ght of the sample subsequent to financial liberalization. In broad terms this deregulation seems to have reduced the ability of interest rate policy to generate a change in GDP. By contrast investment by household and firms would have become more sensitive to inte­rest rate changes. [fre] Nous étudions dans quelle mesure les effets des variations de taux intérêt court terme ou long terme sur les composantes de la demande globale se sont trouvés modifiés en France par la déréglementation financière du milieu des années quatre-vingt utilisation un modèle VAR bayes/en permet de remédiera la faible longueur de échantillon postérieur la libéralisation financière Globale ment cette déréglementation semble avoir réduit la capacité de la politique de taux intérêt engendrer une variation du PIB inverse investissement des ménages et des sociétés serait devenu nettement plus sensible aux variations de taux.