

Éducation, croissance et exclusion des chômeurs âgés dans un modèle dappariementJournal articleBruno Decreuse et Pierre Granier, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Issue 74, pp. 147-176, 2004

This paper analyses the relationships between education, growth and employment in a search model where education, employment and growth are endogenous. A vintage human capital model is developped, in which individuals lose skills in relative terms as new better skilled generations enter the economy. This phenomenon is due to the presence of an externality in the education process. On the supply side, firms incur a growth-indexed cost to create a new job. As a consequence, keeping a job vacant has an option value that grows at a constant rate in equilibrium, thereby implying that old unemployed are rejected from the search activity. Education increases growth, lowers the unemployment rate, but shortens the critical age below which unemployed individuals become unemployable. We also exhibit multiple equilibria, that cannot be Pareto-ranked.

L'employabilité des chômeurs de longue durée. Mise en perspective des littératures théorique et empiriqueJournal articleBruno Decreuse et Vanessa di Paola, Revue d'économie politique, Volume 112, Issue 2, pp. 197-227, 2002

Does unemployment cause future unemployment ? The empirical debate goes from (unobservable) heterogeneity to the so-called duration dependence. We survey and illustrate the empirical literature and build a simple model allowing to distinguish the four main arguments previously advanced by the theoretical literature : the ex ante heterogeneity, the unemployment duration viewed as a signal, the discouraged unemployed, and the human capital losses during unemployment spells. We also investigate policy implications. Classification JEL : J21, J64

Education, Qualification and EmploymentJournal articleBruno Decreuse et Vincent Barthelemy, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Issue 65, pp. 35-54, 2002

We construct a matching model of both skilled and unskilled unemployment, in which heterogeneous agents have to choose whether to become skilled or not, and how much education (a duration) to acquire. The decentralized economy may exhibit multiple equilibria, of which those exhibiting the highest (lowest) education duration are also those having the largest (smallest) skilled workforce. The private marginal return to education is lower than the social return, while the private return to occupation is higher than the social return. Consequently, we show that the social command may be decentralized through a subsidy to education and a limited access to the schooling sector.

Dépendance temporelle, hétérogénéité et coûts de licenciementJournal articleBruno Decreuse, Actualité Économique (L'), Volume 77, Issue 2, pp. 191-206, 2001

This paper considers a novel theoretical argument allowing for the presence of duration dependence in individual exit rates of unemployment. If unemployed are ex ante heterogenous and if their skills are imperfectly observable, firing of the least able is an endogenous phenomenon that unemployed have an incentive to hide. Then, the unemployment duration conveys a (negative) signal about the quality of the worker, which firms use to evaluate his employability. A decrease in firing costs can make the economy topple from an equilibrium with unemployment, but without state dependence, over an equilibrium with discrimination against the long-term unemployed. Ce travail propose un mécanisme nouveau permettant d’expliquer la présence de dépendance temporelle dans les risques individuels de sortie du chômage. Lorsque les chômeurs sont ex ante hétérogènes et que leur compétence est imparfaitement observable, le licenciement des moins doués est un phénomène endogène qu’ils s’efforcent de masquer. La durée de chômage véhicule alors une information sur la qualité du travailleur considéré, dont les firmes se servent pour jauger de son employabilité. Une baisse des coûts de licenciement peut faire basculer l’économie d’un équilibre avec chômage, mais sans exclusion, à une économie caractérisée par l’exclusion des chômeurs de longue durée.

Labor productivity and dynamic efficiencyJournal articleBruno Decreuse et Emmanuel Thibault, Economics Bulletin, Volume 4, Issue 13, pp. 1-6, 2001

This note exhibits sufficient conditions concerning the skills of old workers ruling out overaccumulation stationnary equilibria in an OLG model with productive capital. Using a Cobb-Douglas economy, we show that such conditions seem to be largely fullfilled in the industrialized countries.

Can skill-biased technological change compress unemployment rate differentials across education groups?Journal articleBruno Decreuse, Journal of Population Economics, Volume 14, Issue 4, pp. 651-667, 2001

Our aim is to explain why the pattern of relative unemployment rates by education groups was non monotonic in most of the OECD countries. In a two-sector matching model, a simple unexpected productivity shock biased against unskilled labor can replicate the observed dynamics. Demographic effects of skill-biased shocks can be related to inequality in the distribution of wealth.

Dying of selfishnessJournal articleBruno Decreuse, Economic Theory, Volume 17, Issue 2, pp. 481-488, 2001

In this paper, we provide an altruistic interpretation to the Blanchard (1985) perpetual youth model and examine under which conditions such interpretation holds. Unlike the standard model, the modified model essentially requires no insurance and a bequest nonnegativity constraint.

Can skill decay increase search effort?Journal articleOlivier Charlot et Bruno Decreuse, Economics Letters, Volume 71, Issue 3, pp. 359-362, 2001

We consider the search behaviour of an infinite lifetime worker whose expected matching gains are assumed to be decreasing over the spell of unemployment. The search effort is linked positively to future earnings and negatively to the worker's reservation wage. We show that this may give rise to non monotonous hazard rates.

Sur-éducation dans un modèle de chômage d'appariementJournal articleBruno Decreuse et Pierre Granier, Recherches économiques de Louvain, Volume 66, Issue 4, pp. 391-414, 2000

La littérature récente sur l'articulation chômage-éducation a pour propriétés que l'effort éducatif (i) croît avec le taux de sortie du chômage et (ii) a des rendements croissants en raison d'une externalité positive. Le rôle de l'Etat consiste alors à inciter les agents à accroître l'intensité de leur formation pour réduire le taux de chômage et augmenter le flux de richesses produites. Ces propriétés contre intuitives sont liées au rôle de l'éducation qui consiste à accroître la productivité de ceux à qui elle est dispensée. Dans cet article, l'éducation est modélisée comme une durée et rend celui qui l'entreprend plus polyvalent au sens où maîtrise un plus grand nombre de technologies équiproductives. L'effort individuel décroît alors avec le taux de sortie du chômage et croît avec l'effort collectif en raison d'une externalité négative. Au niveau macroéconomique, la durée d'éducation privée est systématiquement trop élevée au regard d'une durée socialement optimale. La politique éducative de second rang consiste à réduire l'effort éducatif desagents lorsque le taux de chômage est « haut » , et à l'augmenter lorsqu'il est « bas » . Human capital theory provides a theory of the demand for education.Studies incorporating the human capital paradigm in a matching model of unemployment entail that the individual schooling effort (i) increases with the exit rate of unemployment, and (ii) has increasing returns. Then the State has to promote education to lower the unemployment rate and enhance the economic performance. We build a model where the schooling duration allows the student to acquire a larger spectrum of skills, instead of a greater ability in a particular skill. The individual effort decreases with the exit rate of unemployment, and increases with the aggregate effort, because of a negative externality. We show that the private education spell is too strong with regard to the socially optimal schooling effort. The second best educational policy consists in lowering (increasing) the education spell when the unemployment rate is "high" (" low").