

Endogenous vs Exogenously Driven Fluctuations in Vintage Capital ModelsJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Fernando del Rio et Omar Licandro, Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 88, Issue 1, pp. 161-187, 1999

In this paper, we present a simple vintage capital growth model in which both exogenous and endogenous fluctuations sources are present. Indeed, it can be seen as a particular case of Caballero and Hammour (1996)'s creative destruction model, with advantage that analytical characterization of the short run and asymptotic dynamics is partially allowed. In particular, we show that job creation follows a delayed-differential equation with periodic coefficients. The delay is equal to the optimal age of capital goods, and can be taken as a measure of the periodicity of the endogenous replacement echoes inherent to vintage models. The period of the coefficients is equal to the period of an exogenous profitability cycle. We mathematically show that job creation is asymptotically periodic, with the same period as the profitability cycle. Furthermore using an explicit numerical method, we find that replacement echoes generally dominate the short run dynamics. Finally, we find that the combination of the two fluctuations sources favors the appearance of asymmetries in job creation and job destruction patterns.

Creative Destruction, Investment Volatility, and the Average Age of CapitalJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Journal of Economic Growth, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 361-84, 1998

In this article, a new numerical procedure is used to compute the equilibrium of a vintage capital growth model with nonlinear utility, where the scrapping time is nonconstant. We show that equilibrium investment and output converge nonmonotonically to the balanced growth path due to replacement echoes. We find that the average age of capital is inversely related to output, which is consistent with recent micro evidence reinforcing the importance of the embodied question. We also find that an unanticipated permanent increase in the rate of embodied technological progress causes labor productivity to slowdown in the short run. Copyright 1998 by Kluwer Academic Publishers

Differential-difference equations in economics: On the numerical solution of vintage capital growth modelsJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Omar Licandro et Christopher Paul, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 21, Issue 2-3, pp. 347-362, 1997

We examine techniques for the analytical and numerical solution of state-dependent differential-difference equations. Such equations occur in the continuous-time modelling of vintage capital growth models, which form an important class of models in modern economic growth theory. The theoretical treatment of non-state-dependent differential-difference equations in economics was discussed by Benhabib and Rustichini (1991). In general, though, the state dependence of a model prevents its analytical solution in all but the simplest of cases. We review a numerical method for solving state dependent models, using simple examples to illustrate our discussion. In addition, we apply this numerical method to the Solow vintage capital growth model.

Replacement Echoes in the Vintage Capital Growth ModelJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Marc Germain et Omar Licandro, Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 74, Issue 2, pp. 333-348, 1997

This paper is concerned with a non-standard source of fluctuations, called echoes effects, i.e. the ability of an economy to reproduce its own past behaviour. In the sixties, growth theorists believed that this property could arise in vintage capital growth models, taking the form of replacement echoes. This line of research was stopped after the publication of Solow et al. (1966), who showed that echoes should vanish in a Solow growth model with vintage capital. In this paper, we claim that this result has nothing to do with vintages and comes directly from the constancy of the saving rate at equilibrium inherent to Solow growth models. We show that echoes do not vanish in the Ramsey vintage capital growth model with linear instantaneous utility function.

Precision Performances of Terminal Conditions for Short Time Horizons Forward-Looking SystemsJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Michel Juillard et Pierre Malgrange, Computational Economics, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp. 169-86, 1997

In this paper we investigate theoretically the numerical bias due to the truncation of structurally infinite time forward-looking models, by the means of various terminal conditions. On a general multivariate optimal growth model, we first analytically confirm some well-known heuristic properties for certain extreme spectral cases. However, we show that the heuristic findings stated in the literature, relying on intermediate spectral configurations, lack theoretical basis as that they omit, among other relevant features, the crucial role of initial conditions: in this case, comparison criteria exclusively based on spectral considerations lack theoretical sense. Numerical evidence is proposed to illustrate this point and other related empirical findings are presented. Citation Copyright 1997 by Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Liquidity constraints and time non separable preferencesJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine et J. Adda, Modeling macroeconomic dynamics: New developments, Volume 62, Issue Special issue, pp. 377-402, 1996
Checking for Saddlepoint Stability: An Easy TestJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine et Cuong Le Van, Computational Economics, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp. 317-30, 1996

In this paper we present a theoretically founded procedure in order to check for saddlepoint stability of rational expectations models. The proposed device uses some specific perturbed finite time approximations of the models and allows for an explicit theoretical foundation. Numerical evidence are presented to study the feasibility of the procedure regarding to the scales and the spectra of the models. In particular, it is shown how to apply it on nonlinear models in connection with relaxation resolution algorithms. Actually, this paper gives theoretical basis to the heuristic sensitivity tests traditionally conducted for saddlepoint stability assessment. Citation Copyright 1996 by Kluwer Academic Publishers.

An alternative methodology for solving nonlinear forward-looking modelsJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 19, Issue 4, pp. 711-734, 1995

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