
Mardi 10 octobre 2023| 11:00 - 12:30

  • Séminaires internes
  • phd seminar

University of Barcelona*, AMSE**
When competition hardens coercion: Intergenerational Impact of Slavery*
Labour market concentration and the gender gap in wages and working conditions**
Jeudi 19 octobre 2023| 12:30 - 13:30

  • Séminaires internes
  • Eco-lunch

University of Mannheim
Central Bank Strategic Communication and the Dynamics of Reputation
Mardi 24 octobre 2023| 11:45 - 12:30

  • IBD Amphi

    Îlot Bernard du Bois - Amphithéâtre
  • Séminaires internes
  • phd seminar

Université Paris Dauphine PSL, AMSE
Weather Shocks, Agricultural Prices and Inflationary pressures
Mardi 7 novembre 2023| 11:00 - 12:30

  • Séminaires internes
  • phd seminar

Inequality Measurement of Ordinal Variables*
Breaking the ice: The persistent effect of pioneers on trade relationships**
Mardi 7 novembre 2023| 14:30 - 15:45

  • Séminaires internes
  • Practice job talks

Formal insurance and risk-sharing networks
Jeudi 9 novembre 2023| 12:30 - 13:30

  • Séminaires internes
  • Eco-lunch

The occupational singularity: Cognitive technologies as new drivers of inequality
Jeudi 9 novembre 2023| 14:30 - 15:45

  • Séminaires internes
  • Practice job talks

Diffusion of Broadband Internet and Firm Market Power in Output and Labor Markets
Lundi 13 novembre 2023| 14:30 - 15:45

  • Séminaires internes
  • Practice job talks

Does Personalized Allocation Make Our Experimental Designs More Fair?
Mardi 14 novembre 2023| 11:00 - 12:30

  • Séminaires internes
  • phd seminar

UC Dublin*, AMSE**
Modern propaganda: the tradeoff in shaping individual beliefs*
Public Goods and Redistribution: A Political Economy Model with Kantian Agents**
Mardi 14 novembre 2023| 14:30 - 15:45

  • Séminaires internes
  • Practice job talks

Breaking the ice: The persistent effects of pioneers on trade relationships