
Vendredi 10 décembre 2021| 12:00 - 13:15
  • Séminaires thématiques
  • Development and political economy seminar

University College London
Contraceptive use, men’s involvement and polygyny: Experimental evidence from Burkina Faso
  • à distance
Vendredi 26 novembre 2021| 12:00 - 13:15

  • Séminaires thématiques
  • Development and political economy seminar

Sciences Po
Informational barriers to market access: Experimental evidence from Liberian firms
Vendredi 29 octobre 2021| 12:00 - 13:15

  • Séminaires thématiques
  • Development and political economy seminar

Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Negative economic shocks and the compliance to social norms
Vendredi 24 septembre 2021| 12:00 - 13:15

  • Séminaires thématiques
  • Development and political economy seminar

Migration and cultural change
Vendredi 4 juin 2021| 16:00 - 17:15
  • Séminaires thématiques
  • Development and political economy seminar

University of British Columbia
Rural-urban migration and the organization of agriculture
  • à distance
Vendredi 21 mai 2021| 12:00 - 13:15
  • Séminaires thématiques
  • Development and political economy seminar

Princeton University
Social multiplier from visibility: Experimental evidence from deworming in Kenya
  • à distance
Vendredi 23 avril 2021| 13:00 - 14:15
  • Séminaires thématiques
  • Development and political economy seminar

Columbia University
Multinational enforcement of labor law: Experimental evidence from Bangladesh’s apparel sector
  • à distance
Vendredi 16 avril 2021| 12:00 - 13:15

  • Annulé
  • Séminaires thématiques
  • Development and political economy seminar

Dartmouth College
Vendredi 2 avril 2021| 12:00 - 13:15

  • Annulé
  • Séminaires thématiques
  • Development and political economy seminar

University of Toronto
Vendredi 26 mars 2021| 12:00 - 13:15

  • Annulé
  • Séminaires thématiques
  • Development and political economy seminar

University of British Columbia