
Jeudi 9 mars 2017| 12:30 - 14:00

  • VC Salle A

    Centre de la Vieille-Charité - Salle A
  • Séminaires internes
  • Eco-lunch

Trade in unhealthy foods and obesity: Evidence from Mexico
Mardi 21 mars 2017| 12:30 - 13:30

  • Séminaires internes
  • phd seminar

Estimating Non-Take-Up of Social Assistance in France
Jeudi 23 mars 2017| 12:30 - 14:00

  • Séminaires internes
  • Eco-lunch

Are immigrants' skills priced differently? Evidence from France
Mardi 28 mars 2017| 12:30 - 13:30

  • Séminaires internes
  • phd seminar

On cultural barriers to migration: Disentangling wage effects from selection
Mardi 4 avril 2017| 12:30 - 14:00

  • VC Salle A

    Centre de la Vieille-Charité - Salle A
  • Séminaires internes
  • phd seminar

Land use regulation and poverty in the Brazilian Amazon*
The Public Sector Wage Gap : New Evidence from Panel Administrative Data**
Jeudi 6 avril 2017| 12:30 - 13:45

  • VC Salle A

    Centre de la Vieille-Charité - Salle A
  • Séminaires internes
  • Eco-lunch

Robustness and welfare
Mardi 11 avril 2017| 12:30 - 14:00

  • VC Salle A

    Centre de la Vieille-Charité - Salle A
  • Séminaires internes
  • phd seminar

Exchange rate regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa: a theoretical and empirical model*
Stability and Representativeness of NPO Networks: the Influence of Communication on Norms**
Mardi 18 avril 2017| 12:30 - 14:00

  • VC Salle A

    Centre de la Vieille-Charité - Salle A
  • Séminaires internes
  • phd seminar

Université catholique de Louvain
Uneven Diversification and Divergence*
The sharing economy and the environment - Impacts of a P2P sharing platform Norms**
Mardi 25 avril 2017| 12:30 - 14:00

  • Séminaires internes
  • phd seminar

Service Economy and Job Polarization: The Case of Germany*
Gender, Information and the efficiency in households productive decisions: an experiment in rural Togo**
Jeudi 27 avril 2017| 12:30 - 13:45

  • Séminaires internes
  • Eco-lunch

The origins of human pro-sociality: A test of cultural group selection on economic data and in the laboratory