
3678 resultats trouvés
The birthplace bias of teleworking: Consequences for working conditionsJournal articleEva Moreno-Galbis et Felipe Trillos Carranza, LABOUR, Volume 37, Issue 2, pp. 280-318, 2023
Bread and Social Justice: Measurement of Social Welfare and Inequality Using AnthropometricsJournal articleMohammad Abu-Zaineh et Ramses H. Abul Naga, Review of Income and Wealth, Volume 69, Issue 2, pp. 265-288, 2023
Bunching in rank-dependent optimal income tax schedulesJournal articleLaurent Simula et Alain Trannoy, Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 60, Issue 1, pp. 237-263, 2023
Can labour market institutions mitigate the China syndrome? Evidence from regional labour markets in EuropeJournal articleJan-Luca Hennig, The World Economy, Volume 46, Issue 1, pp. 55-84, 2023
Can low-cost, scalable, online interventions increase youth informed political participation in electoral authoritarian contexts?Journal articleRomain Ferrali, Guy Grossman et Horacio Larreguy, Science Advances, Volume 9, Issue 26, pp. eadf1222, 2023
Can workers still climb the social ladder as middling jobs become scarce? Evidence from two British cohortsJournal articleCecilia Garcia-Peñalosa, Fabien Petit et Tanguy van Ypersele, Labour Economics, Volume 84, pp. 102390, 2023
Can you spot a scam? Measuring and improving scam identification abilityJournal articleElif Kubilay, Eva Raiber, Lisa Spantig, Jana Cahlíková et Lucy Kaaria, Journal of Development Economics, Volume 165, pp. 103147, 2023
Coercivity and generalized proximal algorithms: application—traveling around the worldJournal articleErik A. Papa Quiroz, Antoine Soubeyran et Paulo R. Oliveira, Annals of Operations Research, Volume 321, Issue 1, pp. 451-467, 2023
Colonial origins and quality of education evidence from cameroonJournal articleYasmine Bekkouche et Yannick Dupraz, World Development, Volume 170, pp. 106245, 2023
Correcting the reproduction number for time-varying tests: A proposal and an application to COVID-19 in FranceJournal articleChristelle Baunez, Mickael Degoulet, Stéphane Luchini, Matteo L. Pintus, Patrick A. Pintus et Miriam Teschl, PLOS ONE, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. e0281943, 2023
Counting the missing poor in pre-industrial societiesJournal articleMathieu Lefebvre, Cliometrica, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 155-183, 2023
Crop prices and deforestation in the tropicsJournal articleNicolas Berman, Mathieu Couttenier, Antoine Leblois et Raphaël Soubeyran, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Volume 119, pp. 102819, 2023
Cultural differences and immigrants' wagesJournal articleMorgan Raux, Labour Economics, Volume 82, pp. 102361, 2023
Culture, institutions and the long divergenceJournal articleAlberto Bisin, Jared Rubin, Avner Seror et Thierry Verdier, Journal of Economic Growth, 2023
Determinants of compliance with fiscal rules: Misplaced efforts or hidden motivations?Journal articleCarolina Ulloa-Suárez, European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 78, pp. 102399, 2023
Determinants of partial versus full cross-border acquisitions for Sovereign Wealth FundsJournal articleJeanne Amar, Mohamed Arouri, Gilles Dufrénot et Christelle Lecourt, Review of World Economics, 2023
The discounting premium puzzle: Survey evidence from professional economistsJournal articleChristian Gollier, Frederick van der Ploeg et Jiakun Zheng, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Volume 122, pp. 102882, 2023
Do firms always benefit from the presence of active customers?Journal articleDidier Laussel, Applied Economics, Volume 55, Issue 20, pp. 2292-2307, 2023
Do foreign MNEs alleviate multidimensional poverty in developing countries?Journal articleJulien Hanoteau, Eurasian Business Review, Volume 13, Issue 4, pp. 719-749, 2023
Does Affective Forecasting Error Induce Changes in Preferences? Lessons from Danish Soldiers Anticipating Combat in AfghanistanJournal articleOlivier Chanel, Stéphanie Vincent Lyk-Jensen et Jean-Christophe Vergnaud, Defence and Peace Economics, Volume 34, Issue 5, pp. 660-683, 2023
Does age affect the relation between risk and time preferences? Evidence from a representative sampleJournal articleZexuan Wang, Ismael Rafai et Marc Willinger, Southern Economic Journal, Volume 90, Issue 2, pp. 341-368, 2023
Does it matter where and how governments spend?Journal articleErnil Sabaj, Rashid Sbia et Haytem Troug, Economics Letters, Volume 228, pp. 111158, 2023
Does relationship lending matter in an emerging market?Journal articleNaël Shehadeh, Faicel Belaid, Gilles Dufrénot et Christelle Lecourt, Applied Economics, pp. 1-17, 2023
A Dynamic Theory of The Balassa-Samuelson EffectBook chapterHarutaka Takahashi et Alain Venditti, In: Topical Issues in International Development and Economics, 2023-12-04, pp. 333-343, 2023
Education and polygamy: Evidence from CameroonJournal articlePierre André et Yannick Dupraz, Journal of Development Economics, Volume 162, pp. 103068, 2023