
3689 resultats trouvés
Perceptions and attitudes of French general practitioners towards rapid antigen diagnostic tests in acute pharyngitis using a randomized case vignette studyJournal articleCéline Pulcini, Laure Pauvif, Alain Paraponaris, Pierre Verger et Bruno Ventelou, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Volume 67, Issue 6, pp. 1540-1546, 2012
Peut-on classer les universités à l’aune de leur performance d'insertion ?Journal articleJean Bourdon, Jean-François Giret et Mathieu Goudard, Formation emploi. Revue française de sciences sociales, Volume 117, Issue 2, pp. 89-110, 2012
Pour en finir avec une loi inappropriéeJournal articleJean-Benoît Zimmermann, Terminal. Technologie de l'information, culture & société, Issue 111, pp. 3-5, 2012
Poverty, Access to Credit and Absorption of Income Shocks: Evidence from Self-Help Groups in IndiaJournal articleTimothee Demont, PRADAN NewsReach, Volume 12, Issue 10, pp. 38-48, 2012
Preserving dominance relations through disaggregation: the evil and the saintJournal articleEugenio Peluso et Alain Trannoy, Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 39, Issue 2, pp. 633-647, 2012
Privatization and LeverageJournal articleChristian At et Pierre-Henri Morand, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Volume 28, Issue 1, pp. 32-44, 2012
On the problem of inference for inequality measures for heavy‐tailed distributionsJournal articleChristian Schluter, Econometrics Journal, Volume 15, Issue 1, pp. 125-153, 2012
The Productivity Advantages of Large Cities: Distinguishing Agglomeration From Firm SelectionJournal articlePierre-Philippe Combes, Gilles Duranton, Laurent Gobillon, Diego Puga et Sébastien Roux, Econometrica, Volume 80, Issue 6, pp. 2543-2594, 2012
Productivity, Networks, and Export Performance: Evidence from a Cross-country Firm DatasetJournal articleLuca Antonio Ricci et Federico Trionfetti, Review of International Economics, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 552-562, 2012
Propriété de soi et justice sociale chez les libertariensJournal articleJean-Sébastien Gharbi et Cléa Sambuc, Cahiers d'économie Politique / Papers in Political Economy, Volume 62, Issue 1, pp. 187-222, 2012
A proximal algorithm with quasi distance. Application to habit's formationJournal articleAntoine Soubeyran, Felipe Garcia Moreno et Paulo Roberto Oliveira, Optimization, Volume 61, Issue 12, pp. 1383-1403, 2012
The public release of information in first-price sealed-bid auctionsJournal articleFrançois Maréchal et Pierre-Henri Morand, Review of Economic Design, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp. 323-330, 2012
Real exchanges rates in commodity producing countries: A reappraisalJournal articleVincent Bodart, Bertrand Candelon et Jean-François Carpantier, Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 31, Issue 6, pp. 1482-1502, 2012
A reassessment of the risk-return tradeoff at the daily horizonJournal articleBenoît Sévi et César Baena, Economics Bulletin, Volume 32, Issue 1, pp. 190-203, 2012
The REDD Scheme to Curb Deforestation: A Well-designed System of Incentives?Journal articleCharles Figuières, Solenn Leplay, Estelle Midler et Sophie Thoyer, Strategic Behavior and the Environment, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp. 239-257, 2012
Re-examining the growth-emissions nexus: does the latecomer advantage alter the environmental Kuznets curve?Journal articleKlarizze Puzon et Ruperto Alonzo, International Journal of Green Economics, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 298-316, 2012
Régime de retraite complémentaire Préfon : les fonctionnaires ont-ils vraiment intérêt à cotiser ?Journal articlePhilippe Bertrand, Économie publique/Public economics, Issue 22-23, pp. 219-242, 2012
Regional policy in a multiregional setting: when the poorest are hurt by subsidiesJournal articleNicholas Sheard, Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Volume 148, Issue 2, pp. 403-423, 2012
Regulation of Investments in Infrastructure: The Interplay between Strategic Behaviors and Initial EndowmentsJournal articleDenis Claude, Charles Figuières et Mabel Tidball, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp. 35-66, 2012
Relative concerns of rural-to-urban migrants in ChinaJournal articleOlivier Bargain, Alpaslan Akay et Klaus F. Zimmermann, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 81, Issue 2, pp. 421-441, 2012
Reply to CommentsJournal articleEric Guerci et Alessandro Sapio, Revue de l'OFCE, Volume 124, Issue 5, pp. 88a-90a, 2012
Reply to CommentsJournal articleAlan Kirman, Revue de l'OFCE, Volume 124, Issue 5, pp. 7a-7a, 2012
Residential Mobility and Unemployment of African Immigrants in France: A Calibration ApproachJournal articleBruno Decreuse et Benoît Schmutz, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Issue 107-108, pp. 51-91, 2012
Responses to increasing cigarette prices in France: How did persistent smokers react?Journal articlePatrick Peretti-Watel, Olivier L’haridon et Valerie Seror, Health Policy, Volume 106, Issue 2, pp. 169-176, 2012
Review of Against Injustice: The New Economics of Amartya Sen, ed by R. Gotoh & P. Dumouchel. CUP, 2009. - Amartya Sen, ed by C. Morris. CUP, 2010. - Measuring Justice: primary goods and capabilities, ed by H. Brighouse & I. Robeyns. CUP, 2010.Journal articleMiriam Teschl, Economics & Philosophy, Volume 28, Issue 2, pp. 275-287, 2012