
3689 resultats trouvés
Tests of the Constancy of Conditional Correlations of Unknown Functional Form in Multivariate GARCH ModelsJournal articleAnne Péguin-Feissolle et Bilel Sanhaji, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Issue 123-124, pp. 77-101, 2016
On the timing of political regime changes in resource-dependent economiesJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Fabien Prieur et Klarizze Puzon, European Economic Review, Volume 85, Issue C, pp. 188-207, 2016
Traditions, loyauté et identité personnelle. L’épistémologie sociale des croyances d’Edmond OrtiguesJournal articleAlban Bouvier, Archives de sciences sociales des religions, Issue 173, pp. 157-176, 2016
Transitions in the labor market after cancer: a comparison of self-employed workers and salaried staffJournal articleAurélia Tison, Luis Sagaon-Teyssier, Caroline Sansonetti, Jean-François Blatier, Alain Paraponaris et VICAN 2 Group, Supportive Care in Cancer, Volume 24, Issue 12, pp. 4879-4886, 2016
Trois moments de politique critique du capitalJournal articleGilles Campagnolo, Cités, Volume 64, Issue 4, pp. 23-38, 2016
The true impact of the French pay-for-performance program on physicians’ benzodiazepines prescription behaviorJournal articleAudrey Michel-Lepage et Bruno Ventelou, The European Journal of Health Economics, Volume 17, Issue 6, pp. 723-732, 2016
Trust and the Welfare State: the Twin Peaks CurveJournal articleYann Algan, Pierre Cahuc et Marc Sangnier, Economic Journal, Volume 126, Issue 593, pp. 861-883, 2016
Understanding the Strategies of Crowdfunding PlatformsJournal articlePaul Belleflamme, Nessrine Omrani et Martin Peitz, ifo DICE Report, Volume 14, Issue 2, pp. 06-10, 2016
On the Univariate Representation of BEKK Models with Common FactorsJournal articleAlain Hecq, Franz C. Palm et Sébastien Laurent, Journal of Time Series Econometrics, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 91-113, 2016
Variational Analysis in Cone Pseudo-Quasimetric Spaces and Applications to Group DynamicsJournal articleTruong Q. Bao et Antoine Soubeyran, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Volume 170, Issue 2, pp. 458-475, 2016
Variational principles with generalized distances and the modelization of organizational changeJournal articleTruong Q. Bao, Phan Q. Khanh et Antoine Soubeyran, Optimization, Volume 65, Issue 12, pp. 2049-2066, 2016
On the weak convergence of the kernel density estimator in the uniform topologyJournal articleGilles Stupfler, Electronic Communications in Probability, Volume 21, Issue paper 17, pp. 1-13, 2016
Weak convergence to the Student and Laplace distributionsJournal articleChristian Schluter et Mark Trede, Journal of Applied Probability, Volume 53, Issue 1, pp. 121-129, 2016
What doesn't kill you makes you poorer: Adult wages and early-life mortality in IndiaJournal articleNicholas Lawson et Dean Spears, Economics & Human Biology, Volume 21, pp. 1-16, 2016
What Drives European Football Clubs’ Stock Returns and Volatility?Journal articleCéline Gimet et Sandra Montchaud, International Journal of the Economics of Business, Volume 23, Issue 3, pp. 351-390, 2016
What is the macroeconomic impact of ambitious structural reforms on product and labour markets?Journal articleGilbert Cette, Jimmy Lopez et Jacques Mairesse, Rue de la Banque, Issue 27, pp. 1-6, 2016
Who benefits from increased competition among sellers on B2C platforms?Journal articlePaul Belleflamme et Eric Toulemonde, Research in Economics, Volume 70, Issue 4, pp. 741-751, 2016
Why do some motorbike riders wear a helmet and others don’t? Evidence from Delhi, IndiaJournal articleMichael Grimm et Carole Treibich, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 88, Issue C, pp. 318-336, 2016
Without Explicit Targets, Does France Meet Minimum Volume Thresholds for Hip and Knee Replacement and Bariatric Surgeries?Journal articleWilliam B. Weeks, Bruno Ventelou et Zeynep Or, International Journal of Health Policy and Management, Volume 5, Issue 10, pp. 613-614, 2016
人間と経済をまじめに考えるー若きヘーゲルと近代の生産者たちー (tr.« Penser la vie matérielle des hommes: le jeune Hegel et les producteurs modernes »)Journal articleGilles Campagnolo et Katsuya Takahashi, Saitama Daigaku Kiyo, Kyoyogakubu (Saitama University Review Faculty of Liberal Arts), Volume 52, Issue 1, pp. 131-139, 2016
Adherence to medication is associated with non-planning impulsivity in euthymic bipolar disorder patientsJournal articleRaoul Belzeaux, Laurent Boyer, Pascale Mazzola-Pomietto, Pierre Michel, Nadia Correard, Valerie Aubin, Frank Bellivier, Thierry Bougerol, Emilie Olie, Philippe Courtet, et al., Journal of Affective Disorders, Volume 184, pp. 60-66, 2015
Améliorer la lisibilité des marchés immobiliers pour mieux définir des politiquesJournal articleAlain Trannoy, Revue Foncière, Issue 7, pp. 32-37, 2015
Analyzing volatility spillovers and hedging between oil and stock markets: Evidence from wavelet analysisJournal articleRabeh Khalfaoui, Mohamed Boutahar et Heni Boubaker, Energy Economics, Volume 49, Issue C, pp. 540-549, 2015
Bootstrap Tests for Overidentification in Linear Regression ModelsJournal articleRussell Davidson et James G. MacKinnon, Econometrics, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 825-863, 2015
Chapter 4 - Equality of OpportunityBook chapterJohn E. Roemer et Alain Trannoy, In: Handbook of Income Distribution, Antony Atkinson et François Bourguignon (Eds.), 2015, Volume 2, pp. 217-300, Elsevier, 2015