
3689 resultats trouvés
Managing competition on a two-sided platformJournal articlePaul Belleflamme et Martin Peitz, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Volume 28, Issue 1, pp. 5-22, 2019
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena Economics and the environment: distributed optimal control modelsBookEmmanuelle Augeraud-Veron, Raouf Boucekkine et Vladimir Veliov (Eds.), 2019, Volume 14, 2019
Maurice Allais on the quantity theory of money: the ontological restatementJournal articleRamzi Klabi, Journal of Economic Methodology, Volume 26, Issue 4, pp. 361-379, 2019
Measuring ‘indirect’ investments in ICT in OECD countriesJournal articleGilbert Cette, Jimmy Lopez, Giorgio Presidente et Vincenzo Spiezia, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Volume 28, Issue 4, pp. 348-364, 2019
Measuring network systemic risk contributions: A leave-one-out approachJournal articleSullivan Hué, Yannick Lucotte et Sessi Tokpavi, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 100, pp. 86-114, 2019
Mexico's Monetary Policy Communication and Money MarketsJournal articleAlicia García-Herrero, Eric Girardin et Arnoldo Lopez-Marmolejo, International Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume 11, Issue 2, pp. 81-97, 2019
Missing poor and income mobilityJournal articleMathieu Lefebvre, Pierre Pestieau et Gregory Ponthiere, Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 47, Issue 2, pp. 330-366, 2019
Mixed-asset portfolio allocation under mean-reverting asset returnsJournal articleCharles-Olivier Amédée-Manesme, Fabrice Barthélémy, Philippe Bertrand et Jean-Luc Prigent, Annals of Operations Research, Volume 281, Issue 1-2, pp. 65-98, 2019
Neighbors' Income, Public Goods, and Well‐BeingJournal articleAbel Brodeur et Sarah Flèche, Review of Income and Wealth, Volume 65, Issue 2, pp. 217-238, 2019
Optimal provision of a public good with costly exclusionJournal articleNicolas Gravel et Michel Poitevin, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 117, Issue C, pp. 451-460, 2019
On the optimality of path-dependent structured funds: The cost of standardizationJournal articlePhilippe Bertrand et Jean-Luc Prigent, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 277, Issue 1, pp. 333-350, 2019
Option-Based performance participationJournal articleRudi Zagst, Julia Kraus et Philippe Bertrand, Journal of Banking & Finance, Volume 105, Issue C, pp. 44-61, 2019
On Outsourced Abatement Services: Market Power and Efficient RegulationJournal articleDamien Sans, Sonia Schwartz et Hubert Stahn, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Issue 136, pp. 55-78, 2019
The Patient-Reported Experience Measure for Improving qUality of care in Mental health (PREMIUM) project in France: study protocol for the development and implementation strategyJournal articleSara Fernandes, Guillaume Fond, Xavier Zendjidjian, Pierre Michel, Karine Baumstarck, Christophe Lançon, Fabrice Berna, Franck Schurhoff, Bruno Aouizerate, Chantal Henry, et al., Patient Preference and Adherence, Volume 13, pp. 165-177, 2019
A Pedagogical Note on Risk Sharing Versus Instability in International Financial Integration: When Obstfeld Meets StiglitzJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine et Benteng Zou, Open Economies Review, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 179-190, 2019
Permutation Tests for Comparing Inequality MeasuresJournal articleJean-Marie Dufour, Emmanuel Flachaire et Lynda Khalaf, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Volume 37, Issue 3, pp. 457-470, 2019
Philosophie économique. Une introductionBookGilles Campagnolo et Jean-Sébastien Gharbi, 2019-04, 166 pages, Editions Matériologiques, 2019
Platform competition: Who benefits from multihoming?Journal articlePaul Belleflamme et Martin Peitz, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 64, pp. 1-26, 2019
Popper à Vienne. L’éducatrice et son témoinBook chapterGilles Campagnolo, In: Apprentissage et découverte : Ecrits de jeunesse (Vienne, 1925-1935), 2019-11, pp. 221-302, Rue d'Ulm, 2019
The positive effect of workplace accommodations on employment five years after a cancer diagnosisJournal articleCaroline Alleaume, Alain Paraponaris, Marc Karim Bendiane, Patrick Peretti-Watel et Anne-Deborah Bouhnik, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 29, Issue Supplement_4, 2019
Power-law distribution in the external debt-to-fiscal revenue ratios: Empirical evidence and a theoretical modelJournal articleGilles Dufrénot et Anne-Charlotte Paret, Journal of Macroeconomics, Volume 60, Issue C, pp. 341-359, 2019
Predicting musculoskeletal disorders risk using tree-based ensemble methodsJournal articleAlain Paraponaris, A. Ba, Ewen Gallic, Q. Liance et Pierre Michel, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 29, Issue Supplement_4, 2019
Premature mortality and poverty measurement in an OLG economyJournal articleMathieu Lefebvre, Pierre Pestieau et Gregory Ponthiere, Journal of Population Economics, Volume 32, Issue 2, pp. 621-664, 2019
Procedural Formalism and Social Networks in the Housing MarketJournal articleAntoine Bonleu, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Issue 133, pp. 25-56, 2019
Prospective study on chronic diseases and healthcare costs for the south of France region, 2016-2028Journal articleBérengère Davin, Sébastien Cortaredona, Valérie Guagliardo, Stève Nauleau, Bruno Ventelou et Pierre Verger, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 29, Issue Supplement_4, 2019