
Friday, December 11 2020| 11:00am to 12:30pm

  • Cancelled
  • Thematic seminars
  • big data and econometrics seminar

M-estimation inference for partially linear single-index models: an empirical likelihood approach
Friday, December 11 2020| 3:00pm

  • thesis defenses

Variable selection on non-linear manifolds
Monday, December 14 2020| 8:30am

  • Cancelled
  • thesis defenses

Essays on the creation of a virtual power plant for small and medium entreprises
Monday, December 14 2020| 11:30am to 12:45pm
  • General seminars
  • amse seminar

European University Institute / University of Bologna
Geographic sorting and aversion to breaking rules
  • online
Monday, December 14 2020| 3:00pm

  • thesis defenses

Distributional effects of macroeconomic policies
Tuesday, December 15 2020| 10:00am

  • IBD Amphi

    Îlot Bernard du Bois - Amphithéâtre
  • thesis defenses

Persistence of gender gaps in the labor market: the role of identity norms and occupational structure
Tuesday, December 15 2020| 10:15am to 4:00pm
  • conferences/workshops

  • online
Tuesday, December 15 2020| 10:30am
  • joint seminars
  • phd seminar
  • Informal talks and PhD advice

  • online
Tuesday, December 15 2020| 2:00pm to 3:30pm
  • Thematic seminars
  • big data and econometrics seminar

Université du Québec à Montréal, Quantact, CREM
Insurance pricing in a competitive market
  • online
Wednesday, December 16 2020| 4:00pm
  • autres
  • Empirical & Econometric Methods Session

Tax and benefit microsimulation models: Euromod & Openfisca
  • online