
Thursday, June 22 2023| 12:30pm to 1:30pm

  • Thematic seminars
  • Macro and labor market seminar

University of Bristol
Zero-hours contracts in a frictional labor market
Friday, June 23 2023| 10:00am to 11:00am
  • Interdisciplinary seminars
  • French-Japanese webinar

Erasmus University, Rotterdam
Is there a bright side to the China syndrome? Rising export opportunities and life satisfaction in China
  • online
Friday, June 23 2023| 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Interdisciplinary seminars
  • French-Japanese webinar

Ryukoku University, Kyoto
Revisiting output convergence and economic growth determinants in OECD and some emerging countries
  • online
Monday, June 26 2023| 12:30pm to 1:30pm

  • Thematic seminars
  • Macro and labor market seminar

Banque de France
Inflationary effects of natural disasters
Wednesday, June 28 2023| 9:00am to Friday, June 30 2023| 5:00pm

  • conferences/workshops

LAGV 2023
Tuesday, July 4 2023| 1:00pm

  • IBD Amphi

    Îlot Bernard du Bois - Amphithéâtre
  • thesis defenses

Essays on fiscal policy
Wednesday, July 5 2023| 2:30pm to 4:00pm

  • IBD Amphi

    Îlot Bernard du Bois - Amphithéâtre
  • Interdisciplinary seminars
  • History and economics seminar

Université Côte d'Azur, IUF
Les Big data vont-elles révolutionner l’histoire ?
Friday, July 7 2023| 9:00am to 5:00pm

  • IBD Amphi

    Îlot Bernard du Bois - Amphithéâtre
Monday, July 10 2023| 9:00am to Wednesday, July 12 2023| 5:00pm

  • conferences/workshops

Society for the Study of Economic Inequality
Friday, September 1 2023| 8:30am to 5:00pm