
Found 3680 results
De l’entreprise libérée à l’entreprise libérante. Essai critique et clinique sur les transformations managérialesJournal articleArnaud Lacan and Michel Dalmas, Management & Avenir, Volume 130, Issue 4, pp. 41-63, 2022
Decision-Making Tools for Informed Decisions by Health Policymakers and Managers. Ch. 14Book chapterMeesha Iqbal, Hiba Sameen, Mohammad Abu-Zaineh, Awad Mataria and Sameen Siddiq, In: Making Health Systems Work in Low and Middle Income Countries: Textbook for Public Health Practitioners, S. Siddiq, A. Mataria, K. D. Rouleau and M. Iqbal (Eds.), 2022-12, pp. 185-206, Cambridge University Press, 2022
Des impacts sanitaires du changement climatique déjà bien visibles : l’exemple des canicules:Journal articleLucie Adélaïde, Olivier Chanel and Mathilde Pascal, Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement, Volume N° 106, Issue 2, pp. 42-47, 2022
Des impacts sanitaires du changement climatique déjà bien visibles : l’exemple des canicules:Journal articleLucie Adélaïde, Olivier Chanel and Mathilde Pascal, Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement, Volume 106, Issue 2, pp. 42-47, 2022
Descriptions, Prescriptions and Norms: The Tripartite Classification of Economics by John Neville KeynesBook chapterGilles Campagnolo, In: The Positive and the Normative in Economic Thought, S. Badiei and A. Grivaux (Eds.), 2022-06, pp. 42-62, Routledge, 2022
Development and Calibration of the PREMIUM Item Bank for Measuring Respect and Dignity for Patients with Severe Mental IllnessJournal articleSara Fernandes, Guillaume Fond, Xavier Zendjidjian, Pierre Michel, Karine Baumstarck, Christophe Lançon, Ludovic Samalin, Pierre-Michel Llorca, Magali Coldefy, Pascal Auquier, et al., Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 11, Issue 6, pp. 1644, 2022
Do differences in brute luck influence preferences for redistribution in favour of the environment and health?Journal articleOlivier Chanel and Pavitra Paul, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 1-9,, 2022
Do efficiency and equity move together? Cross-dynamics of Health System performance and Universal Health CoverageJournal articlePavitra Paul, Ulrich Nguemdjo, Armel Ngami, Natalia Kovtun and Bruno Ventelou, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 1-8,, 2022
Do governments stick to their announced fiscal rules? A study of Latin American and the Caribbean countriesJournal articleCarolina Ulloa-Suárez and Oscar Valencia, Journal of Government and Economics, Volume 8, pp. 100058, 2022
Does the yield curve signal recessions? New evidence from an international panel data analysisJournal articleJean-Baptiste Hasse and Quentin Lajaunie, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 84, pp. 9-22, 2022
Dynamic monopoly and consumers profiling accuracyJournal articleDidier Laussel, Ngo Van Long and Joana Resende, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Volume 31, Issue 3, pp. 579-608, 2022
A dynamic theory of spatial externalitiesJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine, Giorgio Fabbri, Salvatore Federico and Fausto Gozzi, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 132, pp. 133-165, 2022
An Economic Perspective on EpidemiologyBook chapterStéphane Luchini, Patrick Pintus and Miriam Teschl, In: Markt, Staat, Gesellschaft: Eine Festschrift für Richard Sturn, R. Dujmovits, E. Fehr, Ch. Gehrke and H. Kurz (Eds.), 2022-10, pp. 241-254, Metropolis Verlag, 2022
Economics of attention: The gender-based bing communication study on depressionJournal articleYulin Hswen, Ulrich Nguemdjo, Elad Yom-Tom and Bruno Ventelou, SSM - Population Health, Volume 17, pp. 100993, 2022
Éducation et inégalitésBook chapterStéphane Benveniste, In: Économie de l’éducation, C. Abeille-Becker and D. Pouchain (Eds.), 2022, pp. 201-244, Atlande, 2022
EEAG Report on the European Economy 2022 - Economic Policy for the Next Decade: A Changed Role of Governments?ReportTorben M. Andersen, Giuseppe Bertola, Clemens Fuest, Cecilia Garcia-Peñalosa, Harold James and Jan-Egbert Sturm, Number 11, pp. 87, 2022
Ekeland variational principle on quasi-weighted graphs: improving the work–family balanceJournal articleM. R. Alfuraidan, M. A. Khamsi and A. Soubeyran, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Volume 25, Issue 1, pp. 29, 2022
The environmental cost of the international job market for economistsJournal articleOlivier Chanel, Alberto Prati and Morgan Raux, Ecological Economics, Volume 201, pp. 107565, 2022
Environmental costs of the global job market for economistsJournal articleAlberto Prati, Olivier Chanel and Morgan Raux, CentrePiece LSE-UKRI, Volume 27, Issue 3, pp. 9-11, 2022
The environmental justice implications of the Paris low emission zone: a health and economic impact assessmentJournal articleErika Moreno, Lara Schwartz, Sabine Host, Olivier Chanel and Tarik Benmarhnia, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, Volume 15, Issue 12, pp. 2171-2184, 2022
E-procurement and firm corruption to secure public contracts: The moderating role of governance institutions and supranational supportJournal articleAlfredo Jiménez, Julien Hanoteau and Ralf Barkemeyer, Journal of Business Research, Volume 149, pp. 640-650, 2022
Equilibrium set-valued variational principles and the lower boundedness condition with application to psychologyJournal articleJing-Hui Qiu, Antoine Soubeyran and Fei He, Optimization, pp. 1-33, 2022
Estimating willingness to pay for public health insurance while accounting for protest responses: A further step towards universal health coverage in Tunisia?Journal articleMohammad Abu-Zaineh, Olivier Chanel and Khaled Makhloufi, The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, Volume 37, Issue 5, pp. 2809-2821, 2022
Évaluation économique des impacts sanitaires des mesures limitant la circulation dans la métropole du Grand ParisReportChanel Olivier, Benmarhnia Tarik and Host Sabine, Number septembre, pp. 47, 2022