
Found 3680 results
Environmental taxation and employment in a multi-sector general equilibrium modelBook chapterCarlo Carraro and Antoine Soubeyran, In: Environmental Fiscal Reform and Unemployment, Carlo Carraro and Domenico Siniscalco (Eds.), 1996, Volume 7, pp. 73-92, Springer Netherlands, 1996
Environmental taxation, market share, and profits in oligopolyBook chapterCarlo Carraro and Antoine Soubeyran, In: Environmental Policy and Market Structure, Carlo Carraro, Yiannis Katsoulacos and Anastasios Xepapadeas (Eds.), 1996, Volume 4, pp. 23-44, Springer Netherlands, 1996
Exchange-rate pass-through and market structureJournal articleAlan Kirman and Louis Phlips, Journal of Economics, Volume 64, Issue 2, pp. 129-154, 1996
Externalités de réseau et adoption d'un standard dans une structure résiliaireJournal articleJean-Benoît Zimmermann and Alexandre Steyer, Revue d'Économie Industrielle, Volume 76, Issue 1, pp. 67-90, 1996
Hopf bifurcation and quasi-periodic dynamics in discrete multisector optimal growth modelsJournal articleAlain Venditti, Ricerche Economiche, Volume 50, Issue 3, pp. 267-291, 1996
Inequality Reducing Properties of Composite TaxationJournal articleMichel Le Breton, Patrick Moyes and Alain Trannoy, Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 69, Issue 1, pp. 71-103, 1996
La théorie de l'agence commune en information complèteJournal articleDidier Laussel and Michel Le Breton, Revue Économique, Volume 47, Issue 3, pp. 447-455, 1996
Le nouveau SME est-il plus asymétrique que l'ancien ?Journal articleChristian Bordes, Eric Girardin and Vêlayoudom Marimoutou, Économie & Prévision, Volume 123, Issue 2, pp. 175-188, 1996
Le partage primaire du revenu : un constat descriptif sur longue périodeJournal articleGilbert Cette and Selma Mahfouz, Économie et Statistique, Volume 296, Issue 1, pp. 165-189, 1996
Les réformes du service national de santé britannique : la fin d'un mythe ?Journal articleJacques Chaperon and Lise Rochaix, Économie et Statistique, Issue 291, pp. 87-102, 1996
Leximin population ethicsJournal articleCharles Blackorby, Walter Bossert and David Donaldson, Mathematical Social Sciences, Volume 31, Issue 2, pp. 115-131, 1996
Liquidity constraints and time non separable preferencesJournal articleRaouf Boucekkine and J. Adda, Modeling macroeconomic dynamics: New developments, Volume 62, Issue Special issue, pp. 377-402, 1996
Lobbying for protection by heterogeneous firmsJournal articleNgo Van Long and Antoine Soubeyran, European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp. 19-32, 1996
Présentation généraleJournal articlePatrick Sevestre and Pierre Blanchard, Économie & Prévision, Volume 126, Issue 5, pp. 1-9, 1996
Présentation généraleJournal articleSanvi Avouyi-Dovi, Michel Boutillier and Eric Girardin, Économie & Prévision, Volume 123, Issue 2, pp. 1-7, 1996
Quasi-orderings and population ethicsJournal articleCharles Blackorby, Walter Bossert and David Donaldson, Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 13, Issue 2, pp. 129-150, 1996
Real Wages, Quantity Constraints and Equilibrium Unemployment: Belgium, 1955-1988Journal articleMichel Lubrano, Fatemeh Shadman-Mehta and Henri R. Sneessens, Empirical Economics, Volume 21, Issue 3, pp. 427-57, 1996
Reducción del tiempo de trabajo y creación de empleo. Consideraciones macroeconómicasJournal articleGilbert Cette, EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía, Volume 34, Issue 01, pp. 30-41, 1996
The relevance of hedonic price indicesJournal articleOlivier Chanel, Louis-André Gérard-Varet and Victor A. Ginsburgh, Journal of Cultural Economics, Volume 20, Issue 1, pp. 1-24, 1996
Social protection and political competitionJournal articleTanguy van Ypersele and Jean J. Gabszewicz, Journal of Public Economics, Volume 61, Issue 2, pp. 193-208, 1996
Is There a Long Run Demand for Currency in China?Journal articleEric Girardin, Economic Change and Restructuring, Volume 29, Issue 3, pp. 169-184, 1996
Traffic-Based Cost Allocation in a NetworkJournal articleDominique Henriet and Hervé Moulin, RAND Journal of Economics, Volume 27, Issue 2, pp. 332-345, 1996
Two-stage budgeting: An extension of Gorman's theoremJournal articleCharles Blackorby and Robert R. Russell, Economic Theory, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 185-193, 1996
Un modèle de concurrence monopolistique: une approche en équilibre généralJournal articleHubert Stahn, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Issue 43, pp. 29-56, 1996
Unit roots tests and SARIMA modelsJournal articleMichel Lubrano and Fabrice Barthélémy, Economics Letters, Volume 50, Issue 2, pp. 147-154, 1996